Monday, August 10, 2009

Memories from the mansion

The Large blue vase
Distinct to this precious place
Where water flows
And I begin to doze

The creatures and their endless sounds
Where natures love abounds

Many events took place here
The creator must have held this place dear
For it is a Spanish paradise
And living here would suffice

The fountains tell many stories
Creatures drink and have no worries

All this is evident in the etching of the stones
Each in various color tones
This place is safe and full of love
Perfectly put together like a glove

Much sweat and pain and yet everything to gain
Through heat and rain no work was in vain

I question why the lady of the house left behind
Her precious wedding gown for everyone to find
Such intricate embroidery of expensive lace
Only she could have afforded the cost of such expensive taste

In the end the strenuous work of the laborers is shown
Quinta Mazatlan gives memories that become to each our own

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