Monday, August 17, 2009


Love is seeing him smile,
And making every moment worth while.
The friendship we have,
Is one that no one can half since your my better half.
Looking back at all those years,
Brings me to tears.
Just feeling your warm touch,
Makes me love you very much.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Quinta Mazatlan"

I'm on my way to see Quinta Mazatlan
I know I'm going to have some fun
Can't wait to see it with my eyes
For I have heard it's quite a site
I'm finally here and what a place
I walk inside the house at a slow pace
I love the antiques throughout the house
I wonder how much more there is to browse
The old sofa is the color gold
It has to be at least 100 years old
I go outside and the grass is green
I even see a tall avocado tree
I see an old wishing well
I hope no one ever fell
The butterflies are flying around freely
You might even say they are acting silly
The birds are chirping loudly
The sky looks a little cloudy
For rain would make this hot day cool
Wishing for rain in the RGV makes me a fool
As I'm leaving this beautiful place, I wonder why
So many people don't come by

A House

Trees and green filled the walkway.
With a house, looking out of sight.
Full of plants and trees
And very hot and sunny
Out here feeling the ray heat.
But a house of beauty stands there
full of rich things.
The Spanish tile along the arch very nice
All the old classy things with a pool
and a well in the middle.
The chandeliers hanging
Even the table I’m writing on is solid and well made.
With the Virgin Mary at the center of the room
looking so beautiful with Spanish tile.
A Spanish home full of wonders and rich things
or some memories brought
back in time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

El Patio

Excellent place for Quinsianeras, Weddings, Piñatas, and other family reunions.
Loud music, huapangos, cumbias, corridos and rancheras is all you hear.

People dancing, conversating and eating, is all you see
A wonderful smell of carne guisada, frijoles a la charra, and menudo, is all coming from the kitchen.
There’s plenty of food for everyone to eat.
In my mouth I feel the taste of carne guizada, the spicy frijoles, and the burning hot menudo.
Outside its dark, but the light bulbs hanging above the tables and dance area light up the dark night.

Even though it’s late everyone is singing and dancing as if the party just started.
No one is tierd.

La fiesta apenas cominsa” shout the mariachi walking through the door.
All the mariachi players encourage the people to sing and dance along with them.

Que bonitos y alegres son las fiestas Mexicanas.
Unique are the parties that take place here.
Its beautiful to see everyone so united and having fun.
No one wants the party to end, they all shout for the mariachi to play more songs and
They all sing along.
Amazing it is to see the party go on all night long.

Memorable are these parties.
All the Mexican culture and traditions are found in these parties.
Zip of memory was what El Patio from La Quinta Mazatlán brought me about the fiestas
At my grandmothers patio.
The patio a traditional and typical setting for all Mexican fiestas.
Lots of fun and food can all be found there.
Another fiesta in the patio with all my people is my dream.
Never will I forget these wonderful parties and family reunions out in the patio.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Heat heat
You can feel it on your feet
Sun rays shining
Sometimes blinding

Shade shade
Something the roof made
What I've learned
It'll keep you from getting burned

100 degrees 100 degrees
All I want it to feel a slight breeze

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Dusty Photograph

Sitting, Staring, Remembering...
looking at the photo of
what we used to be.

Where did the time go?

Lost in a sea of many memories...
too many to remember them all...
They all paint a picture of what we used to be....

Where did the time go?

Drowned in the past,
or covered by dust?
Could it be tucked away
for only me to remember...

I sit here and stare at a dusty photo
reminding me
of what we used to be...

The Beach

The sun was immensely burning
The children didn’t mind.
I could hear them yelling
And it sounded like fun!

I saw the beach ball
Being tossed all around.
Its bright colors sparkled
In my eyes.

The waves rose high
A banana boat roared by.
The water splashed,
The children laughed.

Seagulls adorned the sky
Sand castles of different types.
It was a perfect day
I would not change.

Testing my senses

Looking at a squirrel
With it's tail fluffy and curled
Feeling butterflies
Pass by my sides
Tasting cold water
In this hot summer
Smelling the trees
It's perfume in the breeze
Hearing nature speak
Saying, "Nice day of the week"
Testing my senses
All in this amazing scene.

La Quinta

Wow, I am here

Walking, walking and walking
There it is, the house; La Quinta
I go in and the smell is still the same, one more deep breath,

My mind runs in a hurry to wake up the memories, come out, come out and see the house
the memories looking out through my eyes as if they were windows, do you remember, do you remember?

Walking and walking not wanting to miss anything, I stop and admire everything carefully, I remember, We remember.

My minds runs in a hurry as if packing up everything my eyes can see and storing it one more time into my memory,

You will remember, We will remember

One Love

one love for my mamas pride
one love until the day we die
one love for the city streets 
one love for the hip-hop beats
one love oh i do believe 
one love that is all we need



Simple feelings of being in a place full of life.
For some reason brings life to ones soul.
As the birds sing a new song,
it's as if the new song breaths into my soul

Newness is the aroma of this place.
Every trail i take is newness in its self.
As if every step renews who I am and how I feel.

Like Eagles renew their strength
As they fly to the highest top
Pluck out their feathers
And beat away their beaks and talons

The newness of this place brings rest to my soul
Like the psalmist my youth is being restored.
No longer the weariness and frustration
But newness of life and hope.

Paying For Paths

Today I paid
to be inspired
I paid
to see nature
at its best
I paid
to see history
time's only test

I did not give much
and would have to say
it was worth the price
I had to pay, to walk along

paths of birds
chirping thier song
Paths to trees
that simply
put me at ease
paths to bunnies
hopping past me
paths to creatures
I can hear, but not see.

Memories from the mansion

The Large blue vase
Distinct to this precious place
Where water flows
And I begin to doze

The creatures and their endless sounds
Where natures love abounds

Many events took place here
The creator must have held this place dear
For it is a Spanish paradise
And living here would suffice

The fountains tell many stories
Creatures drink and have no worries

All this is evident in the etching of the stones
Each in various color tones
This place is safe and full of love
Perfectly put together like a glove

Much sweat and pain and yet everything to gain
Through heat and rain no work was in vain

I question why the lady of the house left behind
Her precious wedding gown for everyone to find
Such intricate embroidery of expensive lace
Only she could have afforded the cost of such expensive taste

In the end the strenuous work of the laborers is shown
Quinta Mazatlan gives memories that become to each our own

Miss Shiner 1913

I float through my life on a warm breeze.
It melts every obstacle, smooths every callous.
Its both a bruise on my body and the warm cigarette in my lungs.
Right now I am all that exists as I float above everything that shouldn't
have too much meaning in my life.
In these sandals I am perfect,
on these wheels I am a goddess.
And as i breeze past you you will think of me as angel,
the captain of my own destiny.

My Words

If my words were a boxer
They would fight in any ring
float like a butterfly and sting like a bee
Do it better than Muhammad Ali.

If my words were a building
They would drop to the floor
and raise you to the ceiling
Make you feel all that they were feeling.

If my words were a soldier
They would march into any battle
and using only a verbal sword
Make you regret taking them to war.

If my words were me
They would dance and sing
Travel the world just to see
Make you realize that my words really are me.

Nothing Left to Say

There's nothing left to say,
You made up your mind and
Your leaving anyway.

This was a surprise,
I never read in between the lines.

I thought I was your light
And you were my star.

Now my eyes are without their star
And this place is just too dark.

All that is left is the tears that
I've cried remenising the days gone by.

I wish I could turn back the time
To when you were mine.
Hoping there was never a good bye.

Please reconsider our time together
God knows we belong together.

Until then I'm left with beautiful
Memories hopes and dreams that keep
Us together forever.

Silent Killer

As everyday passes rage continues to grow
Why does it have to be this way?
What will make you happy?
Do the birds singing, or
The trees swaying
Make you crack a smile?
How about the very breath in your lungs?
Life means nothing to you?
Maybe your life has been beaten
Like two boxers going at it in a ring
Heartless heart, bitterer attitude
Remembrance of battle scars while growing up
Aggravates you and your split personality is introduced
Always right and never wrong
Yet you should be under arrest
For assault with a deadly weapon or even murder
Life and death is in the power of your tongue
No need for weapons of mass destruction
When your tongue shoots words that kill
You interrogate yourself to see if you’re guilty
But you refuse to turn yourself in
It’s like high blood pressure
You don’t even know you have it
It’s so obvious, you can’t even hide
But there is no remedy for a silent killer
That is called PRIDE.
Rick Salinas

The Forgotten Well

There stands this old forgotten well
Whose mouth once flowed
Precious rivers of living waters
That gave so freely and refreshed
Tried and dried up souls
Of strangers passing by
And those which were familiar souls
That search for your waters
Time after time
Though freely you gave precious life to souls
They worked to reach you day after day, night after night
Now these waters flow through veins
Which are hidden beneath the ground
Running throughout the land
You’ve been forgotten and replaced
And your rivers of living waters
Are not so precious anymore
Once dried up souls
That so desperately searched for you
Search no more
Rosa De Leon

Sunday, August 9, 2009

In Your Eyes

Late at night I think of you
I see the night sky sparkling blue
I see the stars and count them all
I see their shine so sparkling tall
They shine so bright and full of life
Wish I could say they capture my eyes
but they all fail since in my life
I've seen the most beautiful sparkle only in your eyes

U.S.S Lexington

I'm in an oven on the beach. The heat is so intense.
My sweat covers me as if i had just stepped out of
the shower, i dislike being in the heat. Surrounded
by the people i love make me forget about it. The
airlplaines interest me, so many planes on one side
of the ship reminds me of how huge it is. The water
distracts me, the waves flow to the shore in a
soothing motion. Imagining how it must of been
when people suffered on this ship. How sad it must
have been when they had to go months without seeing
their love ones. How appreciated i felt that i got to
enjoy this day with my loved ones.
The Fountain sits graceful on the grass
The water running down is peaceful,
almost magical
Everything around it disappears
now its just the fountain and me.

The Fountain is my dream catcher
The place where i make my wishes
This is wehre I read
This is where I think
This is the place where I escape

The Fountain is where I meet all my friends
The place where I go on all kinds of adventures
This is where i have fun
Im not afraid to make mistakes here
This is where I am happy.

The Fountain is where I met and fought along side in
battle with Alexander and Cesar
I have time travled with Henry De Tamble and
saw the most amazing things
I have been on an epic voyage with Aeneas.

The Fountain has taken me to places where
Ive witnessed destruction
The place Ive seen love lost
This is where Che Gavara and I
helped the sick
The place where we tried to make a difference.

The Fountain is wehre I can be me
The place I can escape reality
I can go an adventures and meet my friends
This is wehre I am happy.


Many years older
more mature in life
smacked me on my head
when I have done wrong
Picked me up when I've fallen
through the difficult trials
you showed me it was okay
to continue on my way
I'm grateful,
for you are here with me
you are my best friend,
my mother.

The Pissing Tree

“The Pissing Tree”

As I was taking a walk through the nature trail, I suddenly had stop to an image of tree hovering over a small pond. This small pond is surrounded by all sorts of rocks that vary in sizes and shapes. Interestingly enough what draws my attention is not the layout of the pond but rather what is in the center of it. Located in the center of the pond, lays a rock being embraced with a steady flow of water that dwindles down from the tree hovering above it. As I see the rock being embraced with the water I can’t help but notice how it relates to many people’s lives.

I see the rock taking on nature’s challenge, but somehow it always seems to find away to stay afloat.
I see the rock isolated in the center of the pond with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. It’s just sitting there with no means of escaping.
It looks alone, but yet it’s always surrounded by others.
It must feel alone.
I think to myself that even though the rock stands strong against the water embracing it, it will eventually give in and slowly deteriorate into a pile dust.

A New Day

Today is a new day,
a new day
to make good things,
and I never was alone
because God is always with me.
The life is hard,
some days,
I am very sad,
but, I remember
my family, my boyfriend
and my day begins to change.
For me to begin a day
with a smile
means thanks God for a new day.
This new day means
life, illusions, responsibility,
respect for every person
in this world.
Today is a new day,
a new day
to make good things,
I never was alone
because God is always
wih me.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Coffee Nite

Wednesday nite, our time to unite

we come together to share our insight.

3 cups, each warm to the touch

there in the corner, sits our bunch.

Laughter and chatter start to arise

and almost each time a new surprise.

We take our beans strong and black

enjoying dessert - Low fat in fact!

The latest rumor, gossip, and fashion

sipping that steaming, hot java - that's our passion.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The First Day of School

I can't believe summer is almost over WOW!

How time flies work is coming around the corner

Kids will be back so soon August 24th is the big day

crying is all I will be hearing down the east wing of the school

pre-k & kinder crying for their mommy's and daddy's

They will come in crying that they want to go home

I will have to convince them not to cry and asure them

that everything will be fine

I will tell them how fun school is going to be

I will look into their little eyes and say please don't cry

School will be just fine



Every step, moment I go through
I am going through an

Sometimes when
I am on one side of the
I feel as if I'll never get to the
other side.

But once I do get to the
other side,
I feel accomplished,
or invisible.

Walking through life's moments,
such as,
through a building,
through gardens,
the streets,
a house,
a car,
you will always come across an

consist of;

Life, death
stressful moments, goals,
love, and hate.
Many of these
are either an
enter only with no exit
a long journey to the exit.

front door, back door,
bedroom, CLASSROOM!!
simple, yet complex

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nature's Canvas


Rainbow Tinted Puddles
On a Canvas

Memories Floating
In the
Shades of Blue Skies

Birds Songs Cycling like
the Leaves
Carried by Wind

A Beloved Frame of
Impossible to Imitate

Fragrances of Flowers
Costly Perfumes

Tangible Illusions
Placed Together

Savoring the Sweetness
of a
Forgotten Treat

Masterpiece of Nature
Eternal Token