Monday, August 17, 2009


Love is seeing him smile,
And making every moment worth while.
The friendship we have,
Is one that no one can half since your my better half.
Looking back at all those years,
Brings me to tears.
Just feeling your warm touch,
Makes me love you very much.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Quinta Mazatlan"

I'm on my way to see Quinta Mazatlan
I know I'm going to have some fun
Can't wait to see it with my eyes
For I have heard it's quite a site
I'm finally here and what a place
I walk inside the house at a slow pace
I love the antiques throughout the house
I wonder how much more there is to browse
The old sofa is the color gold
It has to be at least 100 years old
I go outside and the grass is green
I even see a tall avocado tree
I see an old wishing well
I hope no one ever fell
The butterflies are flying around freely
You might even say they are acting silly
The birds are chirping loudly
The sky looks a little cloudy
For rain would make this hot day cool
Wishing for rain in the RGV makes me a fool
As I'm leaving this beautiful place, I wonder why
So many people don't come by

A House

Trees and green filled the walkway.
With a house, looking out of sight.
Full of plants and trees
And very hot and sunny
Out here feeling the ray heat.
But a house of beauty stands there
full of rich things.
The Spanish tile along the arch very nice
All the old classy things with a pool
and a well in the middle.
The chandeliers hanging
Even the table I’m writing on is solid and well made.
With the Virgin Mary at the center of the room
looking so beautiful with Spanish tile.
A Spanish home full of wonders and rich things
or some memories brought
back in time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

El Patio

Excellent place for Quinsianeras, Weddings, Piñatas, and other family reunions.
Loud music, huapangos, cumbias, corridos and rancheras is all you hear.

People dancing, conversating and eating, is all you see
A wonderful smell of carne guisada, frijoles a la charra, and menudo, is all coming from the kitchen.
There’s plenty of food for everyone to eat.
In my mouth I feel the taste of carne guizada, the spicy frijoles, and the burning hot menudo.
Outside its dark, but the light bulbs hanging above the tables and dance area light up the dark night.

Even though it’s late everyone is singing and dancing as if the party just started.
No one is tierd.

La fiesta apenas cominsa” shout the mariachi walking through the door.
All the mariachi players encourage the people to sing and dance along with them.

Que bonitos y alegres son las fiestas Mexicanas.
Unique are the parties that take place here.
Its beautiful to see everyone so united and having fun.
No one wants the party to end, they all shout for the mariachi to play more songs and
They all sing along.
Amazing it is to see the party go on all night long.

Memorable are these parties.
All the Mexican culture and traditions are found in these parties.
Zip of memory was what El Patio from La Quinta Mazatlán brought me about the fiestas
At my grandmothers patio.
The patio a traditional and typical setting for all Mexican fiestas.
Lots of fun and food can all be found there.
Another fiesta in the patio with all my people is my dream.
Never will I forget these wonderful parties and family reunions out in the patio.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Heat heat
You can feel it on your feet
Sun rays shining
Sometimes blinding

Shade shade
Something the roof made
What I've learned
It'll keep you from getting burned

100 degrees 100 degrees
All I want it to feel a slight breeze

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Dusty Photograph

Sitting, Staring, Remembering...
looking at the photo of
what we used to be.

Where did the time go?

Lost in a sea of many memories...
too many to remember them all...
They all paint a picture of what we used to be....

Where did the time go?

Drowned in the past,
or covered by dust?
Could it be tucked away
for only me to remember...

I sit here and stare at a dusty photo
reminding me
of what we used to be...

The Beach

The sun was immensely burning
The children didn’t mind.
I could hear them yelling
And it sounded like fun!

I saw the beach ball
Being tossed all around.
Its bright colors sparkled
In my eyes.

The waves rose high
A banana boat roared by.
The water splashed,
The children laughed.

Seagulls adorned the sky
Sand castles of different types.
It was a perfect day
I would not change.